It appears that taxes will go up this year for ratepayers in the Rural Municipality of Tache.

That is according to Chief Administrative Officer Ken Allen. He notes Council has now given first reading to its 2024 financial plan, which calls for an average municipal mill rate change of 4.53 per cent.

Allen says for a residence assessed at $318,750, that works out to an average increase in taxes of $77.25. 

If approved, the RM of Tache this year will collect just over $9.6 million in taxes. That is a 7.9 per cent increase from the nearly $9 million in taxes collected in 2023. 

Taxes are due on Thursday, October 31st at 4:30 pm.

Meanwhile, Allen says there are several highlights to report from this year's proposed financial plan. He notes one of the significant projects being planned is the construction of the new Tache Community Centre in Lorette. This project recently received a commitment of at least $5 million from the provincial government. Allen says Tache's 2024 proposed budget includes an increase in potential borrowing for the project from $4 million to $6 million. 

Allen says adjustments to the initial plans for the Tache Community Centre project are being considered in order to seize cost-saving opportunities without compromising on quality, functionality, and programming. He notes while the final cost of the project has yet to be determined, Administration is confident in their ability to deliver a facility that is both affordable and sustainable for residents. It is anticipated that public information sessions will be scheduled once the project design and costs are finalized later this fall.

Other highlights of the financial plan include more than $419,000 to be spent on completion of the Tache daycare facility in Lorette and more than $957,000 on upgrades to the RM's fleet of trucks and heavy equipment. The plan also includes more than $2 million in infrastructure projects including roads, bridges, and land drainage systems, and more than $1 million for upgrades to the Lorette water treatment plan. The municipality also plans to spend $900,000 on the Landmark water main extension and more than $316,000 on economic development initiatives.