Motorists in Mitchell are adjusting to some new speed bumps. The bumps have been installed at the stop signs on Ash Street at Oakview and on Centre Street North, three blocks north of Highway #52. Brian Esau, Chair of the Local Urban District of Mitchell, explains why.

"The main reason we put these speed bumps in is for safety reasons. We've had a fair number of complaints about speed issues in those areas and people not stopping for stop signs."

Esau says there was growing concern for pedestrians, especially children.

"The children that are crossing the streets at these locations, on their way to school, if they are crossing the street and if somebody decides not to stop at the stop sign....I think the safety of the children is more important than anything else in this world."

Esau adds speed bumps have been used elsewhere in the RM of Hanover to slow down traffic but he's not sure if they've ever been used before at stop signs.