The Seine River School Division is expanding a leadership training program. Superintendent Mike Borgfjord(above) says it builds on something they did last year. "We're going to provide leadership training to some students from all of our high schools, bringing them together for two days and then a follow-up later on. That's something we are excited about. We did that last year for one day but we've expanded it to three days this year. We are really hoping to build upon the great work our kids do and our staff does in terms of looking at looking at local and global social justice issues and providing some extra support for them."

Borgfjord says he is always amazed by what students do for their local communities, the things they think about and the knowledge they have compared to 30 years ago. "It's just really remarkable. Our students across the province really do amazing things and really think about their involvement in the community."

He adds they will provide the training to ten leaders from each of the division's high schools who will then share their experience with others. Borgfjord also says leadership trainees from the various communities will interact with each other. "We have things that happen at the local level but we are also trying to build partnerships between our three schools. They are our future leaders, they are the leaders in our communities, we want them to think of, not just their own community, but the bigger community of the region where they are in because we all know that, as you move into the work force, you have a bigger community than the community you live in. I think that's kind of what we're hoping to help do is build some of those connections for our kids."