Residents from the RM of La Broquerie are concerned about the speed on some of the rural roads in the municipality.

A petition was sent to council from residents who live along St. Joseph Road southeast of La Broquerie concerned that traffic in their area moves too quickly. Reeve Lewis Weiss says council acknowledges the issues with rural speed zones but adds there is not much they can do right now.

"There was a number of signatures from the neighbours in that area, requesting a speed change or reduction," notes Weiss. "At this point, it isn’t the municipality's jurisdiction, it is the province’s but the way it looks in the future, we’re not sure on the date, the municipalities will be able to regulate speeds in our municipality so that is coming up."

Municipalities will gain control of speed limits on rural roads in the coming months. At the present time, if they have a speed change request, Weiss says they would have to go through the Highway Traffic Board but going that route would take longer than waiting till the time they gain control themselves. 

In the meantime, Weiss urges residents to be cautious while driving on gravel roads. 

"Some of these areas we have trees right up to the road so you can’t safely enter without knowing if there’s traffic coming so please keep your speeds down and remember, out kids are out there, school has started so let’s be safe all around."