Don't forget about your pets in the heat      (Photo By: Judy Funk)

If you think it is hot out there with shorts and a shirt on, imagine wearing a full length fur coat.

That's what area pets have to deal with, and that's why the Steinbach Humane Society is asking pet owners to stay vigilant when pets are outside.  It's recommended dogs or cats shouldn't be outside for extended periods, especially at the hottest times of the day.  Humane Society spokesperson Lisa Rogal says if pets are outside, water and shade are key.

"Lots of water and shade.  If they can have a dog house or something where they can have adequate shade, that's the necessity you want for them."

And Rogal says if your pet doesn't have a thick fur coat, that doesn't mean they'll fare any better in the extreme heat.  You still need to keep them cool.

"I think that's something that people overlook...accidentally of course but, overlook nonetheless."

She says they see a lot of strays suffering during the summer due to the heat and lack of food.

"A lot of our strays will come in with heat exhaustion, just because they are wandering.  Often, they don't have the mind to sit down in the shade and have a break.  They're on a mission and they're walking in this heat.  Another thing is about taking your pets for walks in this heat.  Make sure you stay on the grass and not on the concrete because that will burn the pads of their feet."

If your pet has been outside for an extended period, and they are just not acting like themselves, Rogal says that could be a sign of trouble.

"That's a big red flag.  If your pet is normally happy-go-lucky, active and they're just kind of lying around, looking like a rag doll, you know that something is not right so, make sure you get a lot of water into them.  Something that we do as well is, we put sugar in their water.  Not a whole lot, but a little bit of sugar.  It keeps them from heading into the hypoglycemic stage."

What also helps is if you make staying cool fun for them.

"If you want to run through the sprinkler with them, get them with the hose, it'll probably be a game for them.  That's another thing that can help bring up their energy level."

As usual, the big no-no's are leaving your pet inside a poorly ventilated space or a hot vehicle.  For more summer pet tips, check out the Humane Society International's webpage HERE.