Two communities in the RM of Taché will see improvements to their sidewalks in the near future.

Of the repairs being made, CAO Christine Hutlet says she is most excited for the work happening in Ste. Geneviève.

In recent years, the sidewalk that runs parallel to Saltel Street in Ste. Geneviève has been swallowed by gravel from nearby driveways. Hutlet says the sidewalk is barely usable in its current state and will need to be entirely repaved over.

“Because it is in such disrepair, it is a huge thing for the community to have money to be able to re-asphalt that whole stretch,” comments the CAO. “Pedestrian safety is a big thing and it’s really nice to give them the assistance to allow their little community to grow.”

Meanwhile, on a smaller scale, the sidewalk along Dufresne Road in Lorette is being resurfaced. Hutlet says that construction is intended to level out some low spots that tend to collect water, thereby improving the drainage.

Hutlet notes that these projects have been added onto the RM’s annual paving and crack sealing program in order to maximize efficiency. All roadwork in Lorette this summer will cost $50,000, while that in Ste. Geneviève will cost $32,000. Both of these projects will begin in the coming days and are expected to be completed in about three weeks.

Hutlet says the sidewalk that runs parallel to Saltel Street has been covered by gravel from nearby driveways and so needs repaving.