The Hanover School Division is asking ratepayers how to best spend their money.

Superintendent Randy Dueck says the division is using online “Thoughtexchange” software to inquire of residents what their budgeting priorities should be when it comes to education.

“It asks people to generate thoughts and then respond to the thoughts that most resonate with them. Then we get to see what rises to the top.”

In recent years, Dueck says there has been an apparent lack of ratepayer involvement when it comes to the division’s spending decisions and he is hoping to see that improved.

“We don’t typically get a lot of people coming out to our public budget consultation meetings and we want more participants,” he states. “The voices of people in our community matter and we see them as partners in education.”

Whether people actively consider it or not, Dueck notes, if they live in Hanover, they are invested in the division. Residents of the area send their kids to school or else pay taxes. Either way, Dueck urges them to take an interest in their local education.

“You can do this [survey] from the comfort of your own home and get engaged in a really great and simple way.”

The Thoughtexchange questionnaire first launched this past Friday and immediately Dueck saw encouraging results. He notes the division received almost 200 separate pieces of feedback within the first two hours. The survey will continue until next week Monday when it will be taken down and assessed for common themes. Those top suggestions will be directly addressed in their annual public budget consultation and will have the power to potentially influence School Board-made decisions.

“We may not be in a year where we have any additional funds to spend,” offers Dueck, “but maybe we can reallocate funds from one thing to another as a result of hearing what people would like us to consider.”

The budget meeting will be taking place at the HSD Office building from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM on February 4th.