Council for the Rural Municipality of Hanover has given the green light to El'dad. Jules Will appeared before Council earlier this month, requesting permission for El'dad to operate a group living facility in a rural residential area southeast of Mitchell. 

El'dad is a community service organization that provides a range of services such as residential support, vocational training, and housing assistance to men with intellectual disabilities. They have established a group living facility at 341 David's Bay for individuals with intellectual disabilities. 

Will met with Hanover Council on May 8th, seeking a Conditional Use order. He wanted approval for a group home on that two-acre parcel zoned Rural Residential, north of Road 35N. Will told Council that if approved, the group home would have a maximum of three residents and three support staff onsite 24 hours per day. He notes they want to keep these men, living with intellectual disabilities, in the community.

The municipality received two letters of objection towards this application. Objections had to do with the fear that these men could pose safety concerns for the many young children living in the neighbourhood. There was also a concern that loud music might be coming from that property in the night hours. 

Hanover Council decided to send the request to its Planning Committee to make a recommendation.

At last week's Council meeting, it was noted that Hanover's Planning Committee has recommended approval but that a maximum of three residents be permitted. The maximum of three does not include any support workers. Hanover Council then approved that recommendation. 

Reeve Jim Funk acknowledges that yes, there were neighbours that had concerns. However, Funk says he thinks some of them may have had a change of heart following the May 8th public hearing. 

"I think there was some form of change of mind," suggests Funk. "Maybe a little bit more leniency towards this organization."

Funk adds that if the neighbours and El'dad can communicate with each other and be neighbourly, things should all work out for good.