An elderly man in need of help Friday afternoon found himself surrounded by Good Samaritans. 

Whether they were on skateboards, roller skates, pulling a wagon or driving a car, people stopped and worked together to help the man who had fallen from his motorized wheelchair. 

Allison Zaporozan was one of the people who stopped near the intersection of Giesbrecht Street and Woodhaven Avenue. 

She and her daughter approached the scene at around 3:30pm. Zaporozan’s healthcare aide training came in handy as she assessed the situation and helped until paramedics arrived. 

“He’s a paraplegic so he’s not able to walk, so we helped him back into his chair,” she recalls. 

The man was able to give his helpers step-by-step instructions on how to support him. 

Zaporozan says he was adamant that he was okay. 

“So, the paramedics checked him out and then he was on his way,” she reports, adding that it was great the way strangers came together to help someone in need. “That’s how a community should be.”