The reeve-elect in De Salaberry says it was special to be able to celebrate the win with family and friends. 

"My family was here yesterday with some friends and we waited for the news to come in and everybody was happy once we had the news that it was a victory," says Darrel Cure who had no shortage of support with 80 percent of the votes in his favour.

"Feels great. I’m overwhelmed with the support I received by the residents in the municipality. I’m pleased and looking forward to serve as reeve for the next four years."

Cure says the first order of business will be to meet with council and come up with a good plan for this term. "I would like to have a meeting with some strategic planning to see where council wants to go forward in the next four years so that we can make decisions based on where we want to go and hopefully achieve some of those goals."

Cure says this election was very different than the last election as he now had to campaign across the entire municipality as opposed to only one ward. He adds it was a lot of work but very rewarding.

Out of the 1,000 votes cast for reeve, 801 were in support of Cure and 199 for Marie Lefevre. 

Incumbent councillors Andre Carbonneau (Otterburne) and Patrick Catellier (Dufrost) were elected back onto council. There are three new councillors: Louis Courcelles (Otterburne), Wain Wiwsionski (Dufrost) and Gaby Tetrault (St. Malo) as well as a past councillor Bruno Hebert from St. Malo.