On the heels of Bell Media suddenly ending the contract of CTV’s national news anchor Lisa LaFlamme, a Steinbach woman has penned an article that encourages the celebration of grey hair. 

LaFlamme’s naturally grey hair started appearing on the network during the pandemic and many people are now speaking up in support of grey hair. 

Erin Unger writes in her blog about finding her first grey hair at a really young age. 

“I found my first grey hair in junior high, which at the time was a bit of a surprise. Yet at the same time, my grandma had gone grey at about that point and family members often talked about how remarkable that was. Well, seems I’m a bit remarkable in that way too. I may have been expecting this in a way.” 

This blog post came about after some encouragement from her husband, Andrew. 

Her blog is featured on Mennotoba.com, and this post is titled “In Celebration of Grey Hair”

"I wrote it pretty quick, actually, because I have a lot of opinions about it, but I guess I hadn’t ever posted about it before,” she says. 

It only took Unger around 10 minutes of hammering at her keyboard for the blog post to come together. 

“I had all the confidence in the world,” she says. 

In her blog post, Unger writes, “I’ve noticed that with many people grey hair is still considered to be a source of shame, as it represents aging. Well can I just say that having lost friends far too early, the privilege of aging having been denied them, I’m here to celebrate it as long as I’m alive and continue to age.” 

Unger has received countless responses to her recent blog post, more positive comments than she was prepared for. And she encourages people to not worry about covering up their natural hair. 

"It’s very empowering to lean into it, and it’s freeing, it’s less expensive, less anxiety about what you’re trying to hide. I would say, try it out.”