Steinbach Progressive Conservative Member of the Legislature Kelvin Goertzen is appalled by the financial statement released Tuesday by the NDP Government. He says it shows the province's finances are in very bad shape.

"We knew that they were emptying the cupboards but I think they're now in the position of selling the cupboards. The statement showed the deficit for the province for the year is $200 million higher than the NDP projected just a few months ago. So now they're telling us it's going to be close to $650 million, up from a previous $450 million."

Goertzen says Manitoba normally doesn't have that kind of a deficit unless there's a major catastrophe such as the flood of 2011.

"There isn't a major catastrophe happening in the province right now unless you consider the NDP Government to be that. They are bringing us to deficit numbers that we just don't normally see in times when we don't have those sort of catastrophes happening."

Goertzen adds the party that forms the next government will have a big financial mess to deal with.

"What's going to have to happen after the election, and I think this is true for any party, is they're going to have to stop and take a very close look at where the books truly are, do an analysis and then go from there because things are not good, they are a mess and they could potentially get worse."