A sea of yellow is expected to ripple throughout Steinbach on Saturday morning.

That is because the annual Pick up and walk is scheduled to happen on Saturday, beginning at 9 am. 

Pick up and walk is an event held in May that residents have been marking on their calendars for about 20 years now. It is an effort spearheaded by the churches in collaboration with the city, where volunteers work together to clean up Steinbach.

Martin Gunter of Southland Church is one of the coordinators for this year's event. He says it kicks off at 9 am at the TG Smith Arena.

"You just basically show up and when you get there, we will give you a bright yellow T-shirt and this is for safety reasons," he explains.

Some of the volunteers will be collecting garbage along a major highway and the yellow T-shirt allows them to be more visible to motorists. But Gunter assures residents that there are also routes deemed safe for families. 

"I love seeing families come with their kids, and my kids will be there as well," says Gunter. "But we give you a family-safe route when you come out."

Gunter says it is important to dress for the weather. With the recent rain, he suggests wearing rubber boots. If you own gloves, he recommends bringing them too but says gloves will also be provided for those who come empty-handed. 

When volunteers arrive at the arena, they will be given a route and then sent off to clean up garbage. Gunter says a free lunch will be provided after the event ends at around 11:30 or Noon.

Gunter says Pick up and walk is a special event for so many reasons. First of all, he says it is absolutely amazing to have about 19 churches come together to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Gunter says this is also a great opportunity to connect with people you haven't seen in a while, in what serves as the first social outing for many people after the long winter. But not only that, Gunter says this teaches the younger generation not to litter.

Even though participants might be registering as a group or within their church, Gunter makes it clear that it is also entirely appropriate for someone to just show up on Saturday. Organizers will then place those individuals in a group.  

Last year more than 1,100 volunteers took part. 


With files from Dave Anthony