“Its been measured, it’s absolutely official, this is the biggest snow maze in the world!”

Owner and maze creator Clint Masse made this proclamation on Sunday in front of an excited crowd of friends, family, and visitors at St Adolphe’s “A Maze in Snow”.

Before this announcement, a professional GPS land survey crew spent roughly 30 minutes walking around the perimeter of the maze taking satellite measurements every ten metres. When the measurements were fully rendered, it was mathematically proven that the snow maze took up an area of 2789m2, dwarfing the former record of 1696m2

Visitors can watch people find their way through the snow maze from a snow hill at the back of the yard.

Masse says he is ecstatic to have achieved this record after months of hard work. However, he admits that the work is not over. “I’ve still got a bunch of documentation I need to send Guinness," he comments, "So right now I’m just hoping I can get all of my homework done properly.”

While Masse’s snow maze has set a world record, Guinness will not publish the information until they receive all of the required documentation.

When asked if this record will help his business, Masse says his snow maze’s traffic is more so dependent on weather than world records.

Masse was initially shocked by the volumes of people coming through on the average winter day. At the same time, he acknowledges that the recent polar vortex has made a dent in those numbers.

Still, there are always some people who will brave the cold for a new experience: “I think the rural people are resilient so we’ve had a good following from people in the Steinbach area,” Masse notes.

Clint Masse says he is ecstatic to have accomplished this goal.

While he awaits confirmation from Guinness, Masse has already set his sites towards the future. “I think it’s just man’s inherent need to go bigger,” he laughs, “so next year we are going to focus on a bunch of eye candy inside like laser-lights and rooms with roofs on them.”

By Masse’s standards, the maze has already been a huge success and he says anyone who has either attended the winter snow maze or his fall corn maze has played a part in helping set this world record.