A group of women at Steinbach United Church has come up with a unique way to help people stay warm this winter. Spokesperson Bonnie Morrow says they are setting out scarves in some parks in Steinbach that are free for the taking to whoever needs them.

"It doesn't necessarily have to be somebody who's homeless, it can just be somebody who needs some warmth. There's a tag that's attached to them. It says, 'I am not lost. If you need this scarf to stay warm, then please take me, I am yours. Be warm and do something to help someone else today if you can. Blessings from Steinbach United Church'."

She adds they put out the first scarves Saturday at K.R. Barkman Park along Main Street and plan to place some in the pocket park along Reimer Avenue opposite city hall as well as some other pocket parks. She says people can help themselves to the scarves with no strings attached.

"There are no conditions. If you need it or want it and you like it and you can use it, please take one."

She notes this is an idea she picked up from the Exchange District in Winnipeg. Morrow announced the project at church one Sunday and had 70 scarves within the first a week, a number that has since grown to more than 100. She says they've called this project, 'Take a Scarf, Warm a Heart.'

Morrow adds the donated scarves are either hand-made or store-bought .

"Some of them have been purchased and some of them were definitely hand-made. We got everybody busy with knitting needles and looms and all kinds of stuff and used up quite a bit of wool in a short time. Some of them are gently used but they have been washed and cleaned and they are still warm."