Eastman Traffic Services is advising all commuters, campers, and cabin lovers to drive safe this May long weekend.

Corporal Terry Sundell says this weekend is the kickoff for National Road Safety week and police will be deploying additional patrol officers.

“The RCMP have strategically chosen this week to be National Road Safety Week,” explains Sundell, “for us, showing a lot of visibility acts as a deterrent for people to do any kind of dangerous behaviors on the road and it sets the tone for a lot of the weekends that will happen throughout the summer.”

According to Sundell, 15 people have already died on Manitoba roadways this year; accidents that all have common factors. Sundell notes that most fatal collisions province-wide are the product of distracted driving, impaired driving, or not wearing a seat-belt. These are the kinds of things police will be looking for as they patrol the streets with extra vigilance in the next few days.

Eastman Traffic Services will be monitoring regular highways, back-country roads, and near known social events in an effort to catch those violating the law. Rather than take chances, Sundell implores all motorists to simply follow the rules of the road.