A large dairy farm near Steinbach is seeking approval to more than double the size of its operation.

Pennwood Dairy, located three miles east of Highway 12 on Clearsprings Road, has applied to expand their 800 milking cow livestock operation to 1705 milking cows. In a provincial report, the farm says the plan is to keep all existing buildings on the property and construct a new interconnected dairy barn. As for manure storage, the farm notes they have two options; either deepening their existing lagoon by increasing berm height or adding a second cell.

A number of neighbours have expressed concerns regarding waste management and the potential of manure being spread into waterways. The farm says it uses "a licensed custom manure applicator to inject liquid manure in spring and fall."

It admits to a spill that occurred in 2017 but Pennwood says "we cleaned up the spill as soon as conditions allowed to the satisfaction of the RM." The farm also notes they do not work with that particular manure applicator anymore.

"We have always encouraged our neighbours to notify us about any manure spills, so we can work to ensure manure stays in our fields and does not enter any waterways," Pennwood states in the report. "Manure is a valuable resource and helps our farm be sustainable by cycling nutrients and not having to import conventional phosphorus fertilizer."

Some neighbours raised allegations indicating Pennwood Dairy drivers often disregard the rules of the road. "Drivers for Pennwood Dairy are older and licensed, and have been advised to maintain a maximum speed of 60km/h, stop at all stop signs and exercise caution at uncontrolled intersections," the farm says. 

Other concerns include increased truck and farm equipment traffic, rural development in the area, and a potential decrease in property values for neighbours.

A conditional use hearing for this application is being held Thursday evening at the Club Jovial in Ste. Anne at 7pm.

To view the Technical Review Report, click here.

In green are the existing buildings on the property. In red is the proposed new barn. In brown is the current lagoon cell. In blue is the proposed secondary cell if needed. The yellow dots are dwellings.