The Rural Municipality of La Broquerie has taken steps to avoid a repeat of a financial issue that occurred in 2014.

A transfer of $300,000 was placed into reserves before the audit when there weren't the appropriate funds to do so. Reeve Lewis Weiss says they put steps in place to avoid a repeat of the situation.

"Everything is in order now. There's not accounting problems or numbers that aren't matching. If from year-to-year we're doing proper comparisons before and after the auditors part, we know everything is correct. So, we're not scared to make decisions before it, but obviously, when we get [the auditors report] we use it to verify what we already know."

Weiss adds they also hired Jenna Patterson, the Manager of Administration and Finance, to help keep the financial records in order.

"I know just over three years ago, just after the election, I know when we came in, this council, there were accounting issues. Different people were trying to figure it out and there was a lot of problems, we even hired someone from outside to come in for quite some time and they were slowly figuring some of it out. Then we did finally get it figured out. So, that was good."

Weiss says to avoid a deficit for the year 2014 council took the necessary funds from their reserves.