The superintendent for the Hanover School Division says he was surprised and encouraged to find 50% of Steinbach's population between the age of 25 and 64 has a post-secondary education.

Randy Dueck says over the last many years they have heard between 20 and 25% of their graduates go on to acquiring a post-secondary education, noting there are a couple scenarios which may be contributing to the additional 25%.

"I think people probably go back to post-secondary in some way a little later on in life, maybe after they're 21 or 22. They've gone out and worked a little bit first, then they've taken in post-secondary. It could also be that as we've experienced a great wave of immigration, maybe there's a higher percentage of immigrants that come to us already with some kind of post-secondary education."

Dueck notes it also appears the need for a post-secondary education is increasing as some sectors require additional education today that didn't in years past, such as certain business or agricultural careers.

"I think it maybe doesn't open the doors as easily to have, say, a Bachelor's degree as it might have 20 years ago and additional post-secondary education is needed. Having said that, I think there are a lot of jobs in our community today that will demand a post-secondary education that didn't before. There's, I think, a lot of jobs in the agricultural sector that demand a post-secondary education that didn't before."

He says, while 50% of their graduates may go onto post-secondary schooling, they still need to make sure the other 50% of the school population is acquiring what they need to live a productive and wholesome life after graduation.

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Steinbach Education Level Close To National Average