"Karen Hopkins means enthusiasm, she means drive, she means leadership."

Those are the words of the municipal councillor for Blumenort in explaining why Karen Hopkins deserves the community volunteer award handed out by Hanover. Hopkins received the award this past weekend at Blumenort's Fun and Fair Days.

"It was certainly a surprise," notes Hopkins. "I know that there are so many people that volunteer in our community that for one person to be chosen among many is really quite an honour."

Hopkins volunteers her time helping organize the summer fair, winter Family Day and also serves on the Blumenort Recreation Association.

"I feel very special," she says. "And I feel all the hard work is like, 'wow, people do notice what I do in the background,' and they don't just see the results."

Hopkins moved to the community about eleven years ago and says she first volunteered as a way to get to know people. With a father in Public Relations, Hopkins says she learned the importance of volunteering through osmosis.

"It's a fun experience and it makes you feel good about yourself, and you get to see results," she says.

Hopkins notes Blumenort has a spectacular park and a fun fair because of the help of volunteers.

"A community can not function without volunteers," notes Blumenort Councillor Bob Brandt. "Volunteers end up being the heart and soul of almost any organization and without them, you're dead in the water, you just don't have anything."

Hopkins and Brandt agree, there is a strong volunteer spirit in Blumenort but Brandt says it is Hopkins who has been the leader in developing the fair. Brandt says when you think Blumenort Fun and Fair Days, you think Karen Hopkins and her team.