The Mayor of Ritchot says Ste. Agathe needs more rental units in order for that community to continue growing. And Chris Ewen says there is a plan in the works to help fill that need.

A public hearing was held last week to amend a Conditional Use Order and allow a multifamily 18 rental unit apartment complex in a Residential General Zone. Joseph Sharobeem is the applicant. He is looking to put up the complex at 137 Ste. Agathe Street, which is north of an existing condo complex, north of Cheyenne Avenue and west of Pembina Trail.

But Ewen says early on, the proposal clashed with residents of Ste. Agathe.

"They weren't happy with the design," he says. "They wanted a couple of things tweaked before they saw it come to fruition."

Ewen says they decided to sit down with the developer and hear from residents in order to meet in the middle.

"I think we've got a great project now, listening to both sides of them," he says.

Ewen says he tried something different at the public hearing. Rather than first find out who was in favour of the proposal and who was against, he asked if there were any concerns from residents. Ewen says in this way it became more of a discussion with the developer and he notes residents responded very favourably.

"I'm very satisfied with the outcome," he says. "I think people got to voice their opinion and feel a part of not only the project, but the municipality and community of Ste. Agathe."

Ewen says the complex could be three or four stories high. He says there had been some concern early on about parking, but there will now be sufficient spaces. He thinks 99 percent of the community will be in favour.

"I'd be satisfied with that number and I think that's where we're at today with this project," he says.

Council has approved the Conditional Use and will now work with the developer on a Development Agreement.

"I look forward to seeing some multifamily rentals in Ste. Agathe," notes Ewen. "They deserve it, they are a fast growing community and I look forward to seeing the future of them."