How cute is this little bull calf? Al Friesen found him at the Crikside Dairy Farm on Sunday.  53 Manitoba Farm families opened their farms to visitors yesterday - it was the 3rd Annual Open Farm Day. From Minitonas near Swan River, to Tolstoi in southeastern Manitoba, farm families invited Manitobans to stop in for a visit. Al Friesen visited Meaghan and Cory Lomax near Woodmore and they were very positive about the day. Cory explained why they continue to put a priority on Open Farm Day and you can listen in on their conversation by clicking on the latest AM1250 Podcast to the right of the screen. Open Farm Day was created to allow those of us who do NOT have a background in living on a farm an inside look on what it takes to run a farm and what all happens to the food we eventually buy in the store. Thank you farmers -- for what you do every day but also for opening your doors yesterday to so many!