This morning we discovered some cold remedies - thanks to a listener and our very own AM1250 Morning Show producer Terry Klippenstein. First, the email from Kenneth Hiebert went like this: "Martha and I have used the rememdy of the garlic cloves for many years for our children. When we would be awakened from their coughing we would immediately go and cut up a few garlic cloves, put them into a dish and then we would put it by their bedside and within 10 to 15 minutes their coughing stopped and they fell asleep.

Now the onion. Every time our children (or even ourselves as parents) would end up with a sore throat, we cut up an onion into thick slices. Lay one thick slice on either side of the throat area and wrap a towel around to secure it for the night. In the morning the sore throat was usually gone. Sometimes we had to repeat it for a few nights."

Next, Terry's elixiar for avoiding a cold altogether:

"1/4 tsp cayenne

1/4 tsp ginger

1 Tblsp apple cider vinegar with mother ( yes, that's what it actually says on the label of the bottle)

2 Tbsp water

Mix well in a tiny jar. Add 1 Tbsp natural honey (not the over processed stuff, locally made honey). This actually tastes good and you administer 1 Tbsp every time you need. Just shake well before you take some. You can't over dose and my pharmacist supports it to work as well if not better than what is sold over the counter. Just store on your counter, not fridge. It loosens the phlegm and you can take it as soon as you feel the onset of a cold which can help the cold from developing."

Thank you for your input -- and if you try it and it WORKS?!?!? Let us know at