A new Alert Ready system is being introduced to the Steinbach airwaves.

Trev Schellenberg, Program Director with Golden West says we have always been committed to providing our community with timely, relevant information.

(Fires force evacuations April 17 near Steinbach)"That is especially important when faced with an emergency or urgent situation," he says. "Whether it's a tornado warning or evacuation alerts because of wildfires, we will continue to be on the air connecting our audience with this important information. Alert Ready adds to what we're already doing."

Schellenberg says along with other broadcasters across Canada, the three Steinbach radio stations (AM 1250, Mix 96 and Country 107) will interrupt programming to make sure Steinbach and the southeast stay informed.

"You can count on us, that if there is something you need to know, you will hear about it from us first," he says.

Schellenberg notes the recent grass and brush fires and resulting fire bans, remind us of those times in the past when wildfires forced evacuations: whether it was Vita in 2013, Ross in 2012 or the RM of Stuartburn in 2011.

"When other communication systems failed, radio was still able to reach people with vital and potentially life saving information," says Schellenberg. "Alert Ready will enhance that."

A test will run at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon on AM 1250, Mix 96 and Country 107.