Heavy weekend rain and the resumption of spring thaw with rising temperatures have caused more flooding issues in the RM of La Broquerie. Reeve Lewis Weiss says they have had more road washouts in the past few days. He outlines the main problem areas.

"South of Highway #52 is where our biggest problem areas are. Where all the lower areas are and the water has to come this way (towards the northwest), that's where we're having our problems."

One of the trouble spots is on Fireguard Road 13 along the east side of Marchand where a culvert and surrounding roadway were completed washed out. Weiss says the RM is working as quickly as possible to make repairs throughout the municipality.

"The last time, we had it fixed up in short order. It was repaired very quickly. Of course the freezing overnights (earlier this spring) really helped us. This time, I'm not sure how long it'll be. It's very hard to fix a road when the water is flowing over. But as soon as the water goes down, then we fix it immediately."

Weiss adds this has turned into a very difficult year for country roads and the municipality will tap into its reserve fund to cover the additional costs.

Water on Road 36, just northeast of the Village of La Broquerie