The Rural Municipality of La Broquerie has applied for Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) after their state of emergency due to overland flooding.

Reeve Lewis Weiss says the RM did not have to take out any roads due to overland flooding of roads, intersections and resident driveways. Weiss notes the majority of water in question travels to the RM of Hanvoer and they were already having problems with excess water. $100,000 of DFA has been requested and it will be used to cover the cost of materials, operation of equipment and staff wages.

"We put small dikes up to stop [some overland flooding] from happening when there was a directly affected road needed for farm travel or residences on the other side. [The water] came so fast, there was some complete wash-outs in areas."

Weiss says crews did a great job at repairing all 47 identified sites. Weiss says during the state of emergency there was only one evacuation in the Zhoda area and the family voluntarily evacuated.

Read More:
Roads Washed Out In La Broquerie