Madi Friesen stopped by this morning to show us one of the projects that kids enrolled in summer programming at Jake Epp Library will be working on this week - a solar hot dog cooker made out of a.............Pringles Can!  The good news is, this is something that you can easily make at home with your own kids.  

Using an exacto knife, simply cut a small, rectangular window in the side of the can (you'll want to save this piece as you'll need it later).  Using tape, cover the open "window" with plastic wrap.  Using the small, sharp end of a pair of scissors (a small drill bit will also work), you'll need to make a small hole in the centre of both the metal end of the can as well as the lid.  The hole will be used to secure a wooden skewer on both ends, so be sure the hole size corresponds with the size of the skewer you'll be using.  Using the cutout from the side of the Pringles can, secure it to the bottom with tape or a hot glue gun to act as a "stand" - this will keep your can from rolling around once you set it out in the sun.  Now - simply skewer your hot dog - and set it out in the sun - and wait.  Apparently, the temperature inside the can can reach 75 degrees on a hot summer day!  You can enjoy both your hot dog, as well as the contents of the can.  Enjoy!

Madi Hot Dog Cooker FINAL
Madi Friesen from Jake Epp Library with her solar hot dog cooker