The blizzard that came through the Southeast on Christmas Day and Boxing Day has left the City of Steinbach snow clearing crews with a lot to do.

Randy Reimer is the Head of Public Works for the City of Steinbach. He says they should have the main roads in the square mile of Loewen Boulevard, Hespeler Street, McKenzie Avenue, and Brandt Street done by the end of Tuesday.

"Tomorrow we will be moving on to everything west of Highway 12 because that will be garbage day on Thursday. In the meantime, we are going to try and get through all residential areas with a truck plow today. We might not get everyone done but we are going to try at least to make a path down the centre to make it a little easier to drive."

Reimer asks residents to move their vehicles off the street if possible so that crews can push all of the snow right up onto the boulevard. He notes once clearing is done, they will need to move onto hauling.

"Once we get the streets clear here which will be well into the end of the week, then we have got an awful lot of snow to haul and it is getting to the point now the boulevards are getting so full that they are starting to give us problems with trying to keep sideways clear."

Reimer says if we keep getting snowfall like we have been having over the last month, there won't be very many chances to start hauling snow off of boulevards.