Saturday was the annual hockey day in La Broquerie.

La Broquerie Club Sportif Treasurer Leo Laramee says every year they try to get a Saturday when all of the local La Broquerie teams can play a home game. He says it is a way to get the community involved in local hockey.

“It is probably our biggest day. The main thing is that as much as you follow your own child it is tough to follow all of the various levels, and a day like this helps people keep in mind that we are a hockey community. We want to get people out watching all different levels.”

Laramee says a big advantage of hockey day is that most people know about it well in advance and can spend a quite a bit of the day at the arena. He says they also have door prizes and other special events to encourage people to come throughout the day. He notes it is a very busy time at the arena.

“We have six games going on. We end it with the Senior Habs going against the Steinbach Huskies, that is another thing where we try to get a lot of people to come out for that game as well.”

Laramee notes this is the first year that they have held hockey day with the new arena additions. He says it is a big improvement.

“One of the biggest advantages is that in our canteen. We never used to have a grill and now we do. Now we are able to provide better food options. We always had to make due with one stove back in the old canteen, but now with a nice grill we can provide a lot more food options.”

He says with more food options, more people want to stay at the rink.