This week at Clearspring Middle School, the students got a chance to show their talents in their production of Seussical The Musical. 

“The musical is a really fun one” said Meredith Hutchinson, the grade 5/6 music teacher. “I've done it a few times in different I did it at my old school, both well and I, and now we're doing it here. It's very fun. I pegged these kids when they were in grade five. I knew that this is a heavy singing musical. And I saw these little grade fives already just showing their superstar status. And I thought we got to do Seussical and they're in grade 6. So yeah, I've been looking forward to this.” 

Hutchinson adds “It's a completely, very student-driven event. There's Grade six kids doing all the lights, all the sound, all the backstage stuff. And the teachers are coming in kind of at the last minute when they can. So, they're just there to manage. And these kids got it that it's a school wide event. We have grade eight students that did the sets and played different roles. Then the stage goes up, and there's a buzz in the school because they know something cool is coming, and it feels like a school-wide thing to celebrate.”