The annual ATV Awareness Day held by the Southeast ATV Association on Saturday covered a variety of safety issues.

Association President Gary Gebhardt says they want to make sure everyone has a lot of fun while remaining safe. He says there was a focus on fire safety at the awareness day. He notes many people still don't know that their off-road vehicles can start fires. He adds there were many booths set up full of information on all types of ATV use.

“There is a lot of information for everybody. If you are looking for information on the Highway Traffic Act there is the RCMP to talk to. Conservation on where you can ride, when you can't ride, and how you should ride, they're there. Safety services are set up, there is all kinds of safety information for you. There is no reason to go out and say I didn't know.”

Gebhardt says the event was for all ages of rider even catering to children through a kiddy car town obstacle course. He notes kids learned about road signs, street rules, and hand signals. He says something that is a big problem in the Southeast is people using their ATV's on the highways, which is against the Highways Traffic Act.

“The biggest thing we find is that ATV riders think they can ride right down the highway. Highway 210 in Woodridge is a highway that is run by the highway traffic act, it clearly states you are not allowed on the road. This is trying to educate people that there is a Highway Traffic Act and you can be charged.”

Gebhardt says there is no reason to say you didn't know the rules because they are all publicly available.

The Kiddy Car Town